The Working With Older Adults Education Program

Textboook & Study Materials
Working with Older Adults: A Professional’s Guide to Contemporary Issues of Aging
Textbook Bundle: $400
This bundle includes the textbook that consists of 6 easy-to-read practical booklets covering the core competencies for serving older adults, and the course workbook that is comprised of key terms and concepts, practice questions, and learning activities to help you learn the course concepts and better prepare for the CSA exam. Each chapter contains 10-15 review questions with coordinating answer explanations to test your knowledge of the course material.

Working with Older Adults: A Professional’s Guide to Contemporary Issues of Aging
Textbook: $350
The Working with Older Adults: A Professional’s Guide to Contemporary Issues of Aging is the foundation of the Working with Older Adults education program. The textbook consists of 6 easy-to-read practical booklets covering the core competencies for serving older adults. With content designed specifically to help professionals better serve seniors, this resource expands your knowledge of the aging space – how the aging process works, how it changes lives, how it affects decisions – and helps you apply this knowledge to benefit the lives of seniors. The textbook’s 26 in-depth chapters explore the key health, financial, social, legal, and ethical issues that impact the lives of older adults.

Course Study Guide
Price: $50
The material covered in the course workbook is comprised of key terms and concepts, practice questions, and learning activities to help you learn the course concepts and better prepare for the CSA exam. Each chapter contains 10-15 review questions with coordinating answer explanations to test your knowledge of the course material.

PowerPoint Notebook
Price: $50
Live class students receive a printed copy of all of the note-taking slides for the Working with Older Adults class. Online students have access to download a PDF copy of the accompanying note-taking slides for each of the 26 chapters in the course.

Purchasing Working with Older Adults educational materials does not guarantee passing the CSA Exam. The Working with Older Adults course is an independent self-study, which requires students to spend time reviewing and studying the course materials outside the live or online course options.
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