
CSA Leaders Network

Our mission is to create a strategic network for Certified Senior Advisors (CSAs) that increases professional and public awareness of CSAs, provides resources and education, and promotes the value of the CSA dually accredited credential.

New York – Statewide

Good News!
A CSA Leaders Network group for the Society of Certified Senior Advisors is being formed in New York, and we invite you to be part of it.
The goal for Leaders Network is to gather together on a regular basis, to build relationships within the group, to help each other grow your businesses, and to become trusted referral partners in your market.
Are you interested in joining the development meeting on April 9, 2025, at 11:00 am EST via Zoom?
For more information, please register for the meeting using the link below:
Thank you in advance for your time and interest. We look forward to seeing you on April 9th!

Upcoming Event

Meeting Date: April 9, 2025
Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm ET

Meeting Location:

Via Zoom (Register using link above)

Program: Development Meeting

At the meeting, we will discuss the following:

-How often you would like to meet;
-When those meetings should convene;
-Whether meetings should take place via Zoom, in-person, or hybrid;
-Should the meeting will be strictly networking, or will there be a program where you can get continuing education credit; 
-Available board positions; and
-Anything else you bring to the table for discussion.

This will be a group where you can create the ideal situation for you and your business.

RSVP (Yes Only)
Brandi Krause

Group Contact
Brandi Krause

Meeting Chair
Position Open

Program & Venue Chair
Position Open

Membership Chair
Position Open

Web & Social Media Chair
Position Open

Community Outreach & Volunteerism
Position Open

Continuing Education

In order for you to submit CE Credit, you need the following:

  • Date of Event
  • Program Title
  • Number of CE Credits
  • Credit Type: Leaders Network CE

Previous Events

Previous Event Information for Submitting CSA CE

Not available at this time.

How to Join a Leaders Network

You may want to first visit the group in your area. Check out this list of all CSA Leaders Network Groups to see if there is a group in your area and RSVP to attend a meeting or event. You are welcome as a guest, but if you want to join it is generally free or at a very low cost.

If there is not a group in your area and you want to explore how to get one started, contact SCSA at 800.653.1785 or fill out our Information Request Form.