CSA Leaders Network
Our mission is to create a strategic network for Certified Senior Advisors (CSAs) that increases professional and public awareness of CSAs, provides resources and education, and promotes the value of the CSA dually accredited credential.
What is the Leaders Network?
Certified Senior Advisors (CSAs) have united in their local areas to build a strong network of CSAs along with other professionals working with older adults in academia, for and non-profits, senior coalitions, professional associations, government aging agencies, Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), and members of organizations such as the American Society on Aging (ASA). Their goals are to develop valuable strategic partnerships, further their education, and work together to inform and educate the public about the value of working with professionals who have earned and maintain a professionally relevant credential, such as the CSA, which is monitored by a third party accreditation organization.
The Leaders Network provides business presentations, education programs, community outreach and volunteer opportunities. The Leaders Network works with the Society of Certified Senior Advisors to inform professionals who work with older adults about the importance of educating themselves about health, social, legal, finance, technology and ethics in the world of aging.
How to Join a Leaders Network
You may want to first visit the group in your area. Check out this list of all CSA Leaders Network Groups to see if there is a group in your area and RSVP to attend a meeting or event. You are welcome as a guest, but if you want to join it is generally free or at a very low cost.
If there is not a group in your area and you want to explore how to get one started, contact SCSA at 800.653.1785 or fill out our Information Request Form.
Additional Information
CSA Leaders Network member benefits include:
- Meetings and Events
- Networking and Social Functions
- CSA Continuing Education
- Business Presentations
- Community Outreach and Volunteering
- Trends, Information and Resources in the Aging Industry
Looking for Leaders
Suggested positions needed to successfully operate a Leaders Network group.
Meeting Chair – runs meetings, member & guest introductions, announcements, speaker introductions, follows agenda, time keeper (2 hours per month)
Program & Venue Chair – with the help of all members secures venue, establishes program, and finds subject matter experts. Speakers must complete presentation form. SCSA determines if program is CE eligible (2 hours per month)
Membership Chair – gets all members to complete Membership Application, keeps a roster current and sends to SCSA for entry into the database (30 minutes per month)
Web & Social Media Chair – updates a simple web page template with the information about the upcoming meeting or event. Maintains Facebook page with photos, videos, updates and comments (1 hour per month)
Community Outreach & Volunteerism – sets up one or more opportunities per year for the group to go out to the local public to speak and/or volunteer to serve older adults (time will vary based on the decisions of the individual & group)