October Webinar
Life Insurance Settlements:
Benefiting Your Client….and You!
Thursday, October 27, 2022
12 – 1 PM MDT (2 – 3 PM ET)
About this Webinar
500,000 seniors a year will stop making the premium payments on their life insurance policies, and walk away with little or nothing. Millions more annually will surrender their policies. Why? Because they no longer want the policy, no longer need the policy or can no longer afford the policy, and they do not know there is another option. Come learn about how life insurance settlements can bring your client more money than lapsing or surrendering, their policy – but can also help your business as well. Whether you are an insurance agent, financial advisor, senior health care professional, reverse mortgage broker, non-profit, CPA, and more – life insurance settlements benefit your business.
About the Presenter
Lisa Rehburg is President of Rehburg Life Insurance Settlements, a life insurance settlements broker. Ms. Rehburg is passionate about assisting financial, insurance, legal and non-profit professionals to help their clients benefit from their unwanted or unneeded life insurance policies. Lisa has been in the health and life insurance industries for over 30 years. She has presented to hundreds of organizations, including various Financial Planning Associations, Fiduciary Associations, Estate Planning Councils, Planned Giving Roundtables, NAPFA, NAIFA and Health Underwriters Associations, to raise the visibility of life insurance settlements as an option for clients, when appropriate. She has held executive roles at carriers, general agencies and TPAs. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Finance and a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Development. She can be reached at (714) 349-7981, lrehburg@aol.com or www.rehburglifesettlements.com.

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