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December Webinar

Latest Elder Scams, Frauds, and Financial Exploitations



Thursday, December 7, 2023
12 – 1 PM MST (2 – 3 PM ET)

December Webinar: Latest Elder Scams, Frauds, and Financial Exploitations

About this Webinar

Pig Butchering (“Romance Scams on Steroids”) and other exploitations wreaking financial, emotional, and physical havoc on the rapidly growing Senior demographic.

About the Presenter

Steve Benton helps older adults avoid the dangers of financial uncertainty and exploitation as an Elder Financial Safety Center Financial Coach and Counselor at The Senior Source. He specializes in complex cases, including fraud, scams and elder financial abuse.

Steve has been active in the financial services industry for over 45 years:

  • Began Career as an Investigator for the NASD (predecessor of FINRA)
  • Municipal Bond Trader- Trustee for Texas Municipal Advisory Council
  • Chairman of FINRA Southern California Business Conduct Committee
  • Securities Industry Arbitrator for FINRA
  • Once served with Bernie Madoff on a FINRA Washington DC Committee
    (“He was the smartest and most respected member; we were all scammed!”)
  • Retired as Senior Vice President/ National Sales Manager of ING’s flagship broker/dealer Financial Network Investment Corporation, an organization of Certified Financial Planners and other investment professionals (now Cetera).

He is a native of Dallas, a TCU grad, and previously had been a volunteer in The Senior Source Money Management/Guardianship Program since 2010, joining the Elder Financial Safety Center at its inception in 2014.

The Elder Financial Safety Center is a collaboration of the Dallas County Probate Courts, District Attorney’s Office, and The Senior Source addressing elder financial abuse. The Senior Source has served greater Dallas as the go-to nonprofit for aging services since 1961, assisting older adults, at all income levels, from the most active to the very frail.

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