The Finance & Insurance Track

Speakers - Finance & Insurance Track

Here are a few things you can expect to learn from the Finance & Insurance track at the CSA Conference.

You will be able to...

Identify at risk clients & facilitate family conversations to protect against abuse.


Working with Clients Confronting Diminished Capacity

Understand the impact of taxes on Traditional IRAs.


Should You Recommend Roth Conversions?

Understand three facts about Medicare Advantage plans before deciding to enroll.


Medicare in 2024: Promises vs. Reality

Understand the current economic and demographic profile of aging in America.


SPONSORED SESSION: Economics, Demographics and Politics Impacting the NEW Retirement

Understand the role of home equity conversion mortgages with today’s seniors.


SPONSORED SESSION: Winning in Retirement | How $12 Trillion is Being Utilized to Improve Retirement in America

Apply tried and true processes for your business to better serve the modern consumer.


Process with Purpose - Increasing your Quality of Life by Becoming a Better Advisor

Identify the latest trends & dynamics in the senior care market.


The Unaddressed Aging Chasm: When Does Retirement Planning End & Senior Care Planning Begin?

Better serve existing clients and attract new clients with longevity care planning.


SPONSORED SESSION: Mom Fell Again™ - Financial Survival for Families in the Grip of Dementia

Recognize the critical components in navigating Medicare.


Managing Medicare Options

Improve your understanding of the language of trusts.


Working with Senior Caregiving Trusts and Trustees

Understand the secondary market for life insurance and the trends contributing to its growth.


The Secondary Market for Life Insurance: Current Trends, New Applications

Understand the impact of taxes on inherited retirement accounts.


Should You Recommend Roth Conversions?

The 2024 CSA Conference will feature three key session tracks: Finance & Insurance, Health Care & Home Care, and Aging Trends. Visit all three to discover what you will learn at this year's CSA Conference!

Have You Registered?

SCSA will be heading to Phoenix, Arizona, August 26-28, 2024 for the 9th Annual CSA Conference at The Wigwam Resort. Visit the 2024 Conference Website for all the details.  We hope you will join us!