
Tools for Professionals Who Work With Seniors


Bookshelf - Business & Money

Handing Down The Kingdom: A Field Guide For Wealth Transfer for the Average Family

Stana Martin

This book lays out a “map” of a person’s “kingdom” (aka assets) and gives a step-by-step guide to legal documents, planning and arrangements that need to be done to insure the kingdom does not slip into the hands of others. There are six main areas of a person’s “kingdom:” Master List of Assets, Financial Strategies, Legal Documents and Estate Planning, Medical Planning, Burial Planning, and Intangible Assets. There is a chapter on each section as well as worksheets to help you identify next steps in handing down your kingdom to your heirs. If you want to leave an inheritance, or maybe just have things arranged so it is easy for your children, this book is a must read.

Peace of Mind for Money Matter$

Teri Rogowski

Due to illness, divorce or other unexpected life events, the responsibility of paying bills and monitoring finances often falls upon a spouse or younger generation. This book provides vital information and guidance to prepare for and move through the challenges of serving in this new role.

This book is filled with practical, easy-to-understand, actionable steps to understanding and bringing order to what can be money matter chaos. It is essential for anyone who has found themselves as the financial caretaker of a loved one or an entire family.

Your Countdown to Retirement

Kathryn Severns Avery

When Kathryn Severns Avery’s husband, Chris, began contemplating retirement in 2014, she knew they had to quickly come up with a multi-faceted plan. They spent the next year discussing, sometimes heatedly, what they would do once he stopped working.

Work Reimagined: Uncover Your Calling

Richard J. Leider

It’s the end of work as we know it. Career paths look nothing like they did in the days before phones got smart. We work more hours at more jobs for more years than ever before. So it’s vital that we know how to find work that allows us to remain true to who we are in the deepest sense.

The Upside of Aging: How Long Life Is Changing the World of Health, Work, Innovation, Policy and Purpose

Paul Irving

Moving beyond the stereotypes of dependency and decline that have defined older age, The Upside of Aging reveals the vast opportunity and potential of this aging phenomenon, despite significant policy and societal challenges that must be addressed.

Underdog Advertising

Paul W. Flowers

Underdog Advertising is written for the small-to-midsize business that must compete against bigger companies for sales, market share and brand awareness.

Uncontainable: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives

Kip Tindell

In Uncontainable, Tindell reveals his approach for building a business where everyone associated with it thrives through embodying the tenets of Conscious Capitalism.

Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life: Smart Choices About Money, Health, Work, Lifestyle and Pursuing Your Dreams

Bart Astor

Life after 50 isn’t what it used to be. The rules have changed. No more guaranteed pensions, retiree health plans, or extensive leisure and travel. It’s time to forge new paths and create innovative models.

Ready for Pretirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future

Kris Miller

Retirement planning can be scary, confusing and overwhelming, especially if you wait until you’re faced with a family medical emergency.

Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow

Chip Conley

How “the second largest boutique hotelier in the world” overcame the storm that hit the travel industry by applying Maslow’s theory.

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