Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you ready to connect with a passionate group of Longevity Leaders?
The CSA Conference is just that opportunity.

Become a sponsor of the CSA Conference with sponsorship packages designed to suit all of your needs. There are a wide variety of options, including custom and a-la-carte packages, allowing you to showcase your products and services in the most effective way possible to benefit your brand. All sponsorship packages provide multiple touch points with attendees before, during, and after the event with recognition through email, social media, on-site announcements, giveaways, grab-bag items, program recognition, and much more!

Your reach as a sponsor will extend beyond just conference attendees, to include thousands of additional contacts who will see your branding on social media and in CSA correspondence. You will also have an opportunity to engage with leaders of our Leaders Network, our local networking groups which host their own meetings each month.

Exhibitor Space

SCSA believes that engagement with our sponsors and exhibitors enhances our attendees’ experience by connecting them with businesses positioned to meet their growing needs. Our Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Premier sponsorships all include an exhibit space located in the main atrium area—the central gathering place for the conference—with multiple opportunities throughout the conference to engage with conference attendees. As an exhibitor, you will have the opportunity to select your designated booth space prior to the event based on the order in which you confirm your sponsorship.

2024 Photo Gallery

Check out the photo gallery from the 2024 CSA Conference to see our conference in action!

Sponsorship Packages Available

Secure Your Spot

Download the 2025 Conference Sponsorship Prospectus for details. All packages are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited. Select item packages are exclusively available for only one sponsor per event.

Contact us at conference@csa.us or 303-951-6571 if you have any questions or would like to discuss designing a custom package.

All Sponsorship Levels Include:

  • Recognition on the conference website, social media, and emails before, during, and after the conference
  • Conference Attendee Lists - preliminary and final, permitted for use on three email communications
  • Logo and company information included in the conference Mobile App & scavenger hunt participation
  • Logo and name listing in the printed Conference Program
  • Logo included on all opening and closing slides before and after all events in the main ballroom
  • Opportunity to contribute a product or service during the Closing Event & Raffle
  • Opportunity to include promotional materials in the conference attendee bags

Click below for details on each sponsorship package.


Premier Sponsorship — $5,000.00

Sponsorship of the Opening Keynote at the 2025 CSA Conference provides an organization with the opportunity to speak on the main stage right before the Opening Keynote session on Saturday morning (max of 3 available). Premier sponsorship packages include the following:

  • Sponsorship of the Opening Keynote and Meeting on Saturday morning, including main stage company presentation to all attendees
  • Ability to submit a company promo video to be included on the conference website, email promotions, social media, and the conference Mobile App
  • One 8-foot exhibit area in the highly trafficked main atrium location at the conference (6-foot table)
  • Preliminary and final conference attendee lists with permission to send up to three emails directly to conference attendees
  • Option to host a table during the Service to Seniors Luncheon or Scholarships Luncheon
  • Recognition with logo, description, and URL link on the CSA Conference website
  • Logo and name listing within the printed Conference Program
  • Recognition on CSA’s social media channels as an official 2025 CSA Conference Sponsor before, during, and after the event
  • Opportunity to include an item in the closing raffle which will be given away with recognition for your company during the raffle
  • Opportunity to include promotional and swag material in the conference attendee bags
  • Ad space included in the official CSA Conference Mobile App
  • Full-page ad space in a post-conference issue of the CSA Journal, with distribution to more than 3,500 professionals working in the aging industry
  • Two free attendee registrations, with the option to purchase additional registrations at the reduced sponsor rate of $300

Diamond Sponsorship — $3,500

Diamond Sponsorship of the 2025 CSA Conference provides organizations with the opportunity to speak at one of the available 50-minute educational sessions during the conference. Sponsored sessions are a great way to present important information to the conference attendees for a session during the event. Diamond sponsorship packages include the following:

  • Present a 50-minute educational sponsored breakout session of a topic of your choosing*
  • Ability to submit a company promo video to be included on the conference website, email promotions, social media, and the conference mobile app
  • One 8-foot exhibit area in the highly trafficked main atrium at the conference (6-foot table)
  • Preliminary and final conference attendee lists with permission to send up to three emails directly to conference attendees
  • Option to host a table during the Service to Seniors Luncheon or Scholarships Luncheon
  • Recognition with logo, description, and URL link on the CSA Conference website
  • Logo and name listing within the printed Conference Program
  • Recognition on CSA’s social media channels as an official 2025 CSA Conference Sponsor before, during, and after the event
  • Opportunity to include an item in the closing raffle with recognition for your company during the raffle
  • Opportunity to include promotional and swag material in the conference attendee bags
  • Ad space included in the official CSA Conference mobile app
  • Half-page ad space in a post-conference issue of the CSA Journal, with distribution to more than 3,500 professionals working in the aging industry
  • Two free attendee registrations, with the option to purchase additional registrations for the reduced sponsor rate of $300

*Sessions must be educational and will be required to adhere to the general requirements of the CSA Conference Program Committee.


Platinum Sponsorship — $2,200-$2,500

Platinum Sponsorship includes sponsorship of one of the key events during the CSA Conference (max of 3 sponsors per event).

  Platinum I Level - $2500 Platinum II Level - $2200
Platinum Sponsorship Highlights Friday Business Workshop Saturday Service to Seniors Luncheon Sunday Plenary Session Sunday Awards Luncheon Sunday Closing Event & Raffle Friday Welcome Reception & Exhibits Saturday Breakfast & Exhibits Saturday Breaks & Exhibits (2) Saturday Themed Reception & Exhibits Sunday Breakfast & Exhibits Sunday Break/Book Signing & Exhibits
Sponsorship of the event
Company signage displayed during the event
Opportunity to address all attendees from main stage for 2 minutes; logo/video on main screens            
Networking/Exhibits event sponsor (drink ticket/ food sponsor, specialty drinks/food, photo booth)          

Platinum sponsor packages also include:

  • One 8-foot exhibit area in the highly trafficked main atrium location at the conference (6-foot table)
  • Preliminary and final conference attendee lists with permission to send up to three emails directly to conference attendees
  • Ability to submit a company promo video to be included on the website, email promotions, social media, mobile app
  • Recognition with logo, description, and URL link on the website
  • Logo and name listing within the printed Conference Program and ad space and company info in the conference Mobile App
  • Recognition on CSA’s social media channels as an official 2025 CSA Conference Sponsor before, during, and after the event
  • Half-page ad space in a post-conference issue of the CSA Journal, with distribution to more than 3,500 professionals working in the aging industry
  • Two free attendee registrations and the option to purchase additional registrations at the sponsor rate of $300

Gold Sponsorship — $1,500

Gold Sponsorship provides organizations with the opportunity to exhibit in the main atrium during the CSA Conference and engage with attendees throughout the event. All breaks and receptions will be located directly in the exhibit area. Sponsors will have the ability to select their booth location based on the order in which sponsorships are confirmed.

Exhibit areas will include one power strip, seating for two, and table linens.

Gold sponsorship ensures your organization will have the opportunity to connect with attendees directly, along with the exposure you will gain through the many available channels for reaching CSAs and conference attendees. Gold sponsor packages include the following:

  • One 8-foot exhibit area in a highly trafficked location at the conference (6-foot table)
  • Preliminary and final conference attendee lists with permission to send up to three emails directly to conference attendees
  • Recognition with logo, description, and URL link on the CSA Conference website
  • Logo and name listing within the printed Conference Program
  • Recognition on CSA’s social media channels as an official 2025 CSA Conference Sponsor before, during, and after the event
  • Opportunity to include an item in the closing raffle which will be given away with recognition for your company
  • Opportunity to include promotional and swag material in the conference attendee bags
  • Ad space included in official CSA Conference Mobile App
  • One free attendee registration with the option to purchase additional registrations for the reduced sponsor rate of $300

Silver Sponsorship — $1,200

Silver Sponsorship of the 2025 CSA Conference provides organizations with the opportunity for exclusive sponsorship of one of the available items during the CSA Conference OR sponsorship of one of the session tracks: Finance & Insurance, Health Care & Home Care, Aging Trends, or Business Development. Items available include the conference attendee bags, lanyards, conference WiFi, branded with your company name, the conference mobile app, attendee hotel room keys—or another item of your choice!

Silver sponsorship ensures your organization’s branding will be prominent throughout the conference along with exposure you will gain through the many available channels for reaching CSAs and conference attendees. Silver sponsor packages will include the following:

  • Exclusive sponsorship of one of the available conference items, listed above OR one of the session tracks throughout the conference
  • Recognition with logo, description, and URL link on the CSA Conference website
  • Preliminary and final conference attendee lists with permission to send up to three emails directly to conference attendees
  • Logo and name listing within the printed Conference Program
  • Recognition on CSA’s social media channels as an official 2024 CSA Conference Sponsor before, during, and after the event
  • Opportunity to include an item in the closing raffle which will be given away with recognition for your company during the raffle
  • Opportunity to include promotional and swag material in the conference attendee bags
  • Ad space included in the official CSA Conference mobile app
  • One free attendee registration, with the option to purchase additional registrations for the reduced sponsor rate of $300

Bronze Sponsorship — $350-$650

Bronze Sponsorship of the 2025 CSA Conference provides organizations with the opportunity to be recognized at the CSA Conference and through the CSA Journal. This sponsorship provides organizations with a means of connecting with conference attendees and the community of Certified Senior Advisors. Bronze sponsor packages include the following:

  • Ad space included in the CSA Conference Program (ad size based on Bronze-level price: half-page $650, quarter-page $500, eighth-page $350)
  • Recognition with logo, description, and URL link on the CSA Conference website
  • Recognition on CSA’s social media channels as an official 2025 CSA Conference Sponsor before, during, and after the event
  • Opportunity to include an item in the closing raffle with recognition for your company during the raffle
  • Opportunity to include promotional and swag material in the conference attendee bags
  • Preliminary and final conference attendee lists with permission to send up to three emails directly to conference attendees
  • Logo and links included in the CSA Conference Mobile App

Bronze packages flexibly allows you to attend the CSA Conference or not, and select the package right for you based on ad size selection in the CSA Conference program. Contact us at 800.653.1785 or at conference@csa.us for rates and details.

Conference Attendees

The CSA Conference brings together professionals in a wide range of disciplines from across the country who are all passionate about serving older adults. With educational sessions in Finance & Insurance, Health Care & Home Care, and Aging Trends topics, attendees appreciate the chance to learn from and network with experts in a wide variety of fields and are looking to find products and services to help themselves and their clients.

Attendees by Industry

based on numbers from the 2024 Conference

Conference Attendees by Industry

“Professionals in all walks of life, different ages, and serving in an array of services, all working together to achieve a greater outcome for the aging. THAT was very inspirational!”

“I love attending the CSA Conference because it brings together professionals from a variety of disciplines, all dedicated to serving older adults. The diverse expertise and shared commitment among the members create a unique and enriching environment.”

“Attending and sponsoring my first CSA conference was a wise investment in my business...I definitely plan to return!”

Secure Your Spot

Download the 2025 Conference Sponsorship Prospectus for details. All packages are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited. Select item packages are exclusively available for only one sponsor per event.

Contact us at conference@csa.us or 303-951-6571 if you have any questions or would like to discuss designing a custom package.